lock plus

Beyond just high-quality wood, I have a strong focus on sustainability. All of my timbers are either sustainably harvested or heirloom stock that have been in the country for decades. I work with several small, independent saw mills in Western Australia, Eastern Brazil and the Thai coast who are all focused on small-scale, ultra-high quality products harvested via sustainable practices. While large-scale milling operations cut wide swaths of forest land, my small-scale suppliers mark and harvest specific trees that will yield the best quality lumber. This means they minimize their ecological footprint while supplying the best quality wood

 I do not currently import or export any CITIES listed woods “http://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/rosewoods-bubinga-really-banned-cites/” and am only interested in strictly legal acquisitions of raw materials.

If you have any questions or concerns, please message me through the contact form on this website.